• Feel free to talk to us: 817-888-7751
happy family smiling
We offer our assistance to the LGBTQ youth in our community.

Camp Worth has clinical and specific training that is mandatory for all employees to properly address the needs of each individual, including self-identification, acceptance, self-respect, and independence.

We specifically designed the structure within the residences to allow the transgendered youth to live within the residence of the gender that the youth identify as. This option will require the youth to have a room that is specifically for them with a ratio of 1:1, 24 hours a day.

The goal is to help the youth adapt and identify. Such strategies may require the youth to share a room with that of a gender that is opposite of their birth identity. And with such, Camp Worth will require 1:1 supervision, 24 hours a day, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all.

With this, our measures will ensure that the service planning team assesses what is in the best interest of each child – the history of all children within the room for possible sexual abuse and/or sexual behavior problems, as well as the appropriateness. The assessment and approval by the service planning team will be documented and dated in each child’s record.

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Would you like to know more about our services? Feel free to contact us today.